What’s in your notebook?


My journey with God has taught me so much. At first I had no idea where to start especially when it came to reading the bible. I was so lost, I did not know where to start reading, so I did some research. During my research I learned that there is a difference between reading the bible and studying the bible. Anyone can read the bible, but studying the bible is a bit more challenging.

There are many bible reading/study plans. Obviously it would depend on the person and their schedule (but you should find time everyday to read your bible). I had no idea where to start, I thought why not start in the beginning, but then I got confused. So I started reading and studying the book of Matthew. I was using a bible reading plan from a website that I will gladly share with you: http://womenlivingwell.org/good-morning-girls-resources/

I was using that bible study plan, but then I decided I was just going to start on Matthew and go from there. Since I take longer to read and jotting down verses, I decided to just go on my own pace. But that website has a lot more resources that you can use.

So you’re probably asking yourself, okay so I know where to start, but now how do I actually learn and study the bible? Well I was struggling with that too, so don’t worry. There is another resource I would like to share with you: http://www.kristinnicoleblog.com/scripture

This blog post by Kristin is a great resource because she provides her readers with her own tips on studying her bible. She explains in her post of a method that she uses called SOAP. And SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. You can read more about it on her website. But I use this method when I study my bible because it helps me understand what I’m reading.

When I study my bible, depending on what I’m reading, I would read a chapter or part of a chapter then I would write down the verse or verses that stand out the most to me.

  • Just an FYI: When you’re reading the bible and you realize that there is this specific verse that grabs your attention for some weird reason – that my friend is called the work of the holy spirit! So don’t ignore it!

So I was using the SOAP method for awhile then I ended up just doing it my own way.

IMG_7272So let me explain to you what I do when I study my bible and what’s in my notebook…

  1. I read a chapter or a couple verse of a chapter. Then I reread it and highlight verses that stand out to me the most and verses that I think are very important.
  2. Then, I write down those verses in my notebook. I make sure to write down the chapter and verse number as well as the name of the chapter because that is also important.
  3. After I finish writing the verses down, I write down some encouragements for myself that reflect on the verses I wrote down like, “Jesus loves you the way you are.”
  4. Then I would add what I learned from the verses and how I can apply it to my life.
  5. Then I pray!

Okay so I’m human which means sometimes I don’t fully do all 5 steps that I just explained. Sometimes I don’t write what I learned in my notebook, I just think about it. And like I said in my About, I’m not so good when it comes to praying. But that is a personal problem I need to work on.

To conclude, I learned a lot when I started reading the bible. I got to know Jesus and I’m learning from Him. He has taught me so much yet there is SO much more I need to learn. I want you to also learn from Jesus. So go ahead grab your bible and read a verse or two. Trust me it will change you!

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